Every animal is special in its own way. Some animals are heavy, some are small, some are slow while some are fast. Gecko leopards is an animal full of wonders, and amazingly cute as well! They have a special visionary power that enables them to see the colors with the help of moonlight which other animals and humans cannot. Just like other indoor lizards, they can easily climb walls even though they are as heavy as a small rodent. The amazing speed a gecko leopard has is what helps them escape from their predators.
How fast does a gecko leopard run?
Geckos use their strong limb muscles to run at an incredible speed. Young gecko leopards run much faster and are hyperactive all the time. But as a gecko leopard grows old they become slow and calmer which reduces their stamina and energy available to elope from their hunters.
Speed of a gecko leopard
It has been observed that gecko leopards can one meter per second or in other words three feet per second. Gecko leopards can run at the same speed across a lake or river without facing any difficulty just like a basilisk lizard which runs much faster than them. That’s pretty impressive!
Speed of gecko leopard on water
Gecko leopards have the remarkable ability to run even on water surfaces. Though the surface tension is not enough to support their body, due to their hydrophobic body layering and the speed they possess they are capable of running on water without drowning. They create special water bubbles with the help of their fast-moving limbs.
Gecko leopards have shown to run at the same speed as they run on land, which is 3 feet per second, on water too. While they move across a water body they create ripple effects in the water which is mainly caused by the air bubbles and the fast-wiggling gecko leopard tail.
What makes gecko leopards run so fast?
Each and every part of the gecko leopard body is essential for assisting them to get away from a threat. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the remarkable way a gecko leopard runs. Let’s discuss some of them below.
Importance of seta
Gecko leopards have special microscopic hairs present on the palm of their feet. These special hairs are also known as seta. Seta creates a special bond, which is very strong, Van der Wall forces between the paws and the surface.
Inline movement of limbs
Gecko leopards run on their four limbs. They use their hind limbs to power first then they use the force to push themselves forwards while the front limbs further support and power them. They create air bubbles in case of running over a water surface. And with the help of their hydrophobic skin, they do not drown besides friction.
Movement of tail
One of the major parts of their body which assists them while they run is their tail. Their tail wiggles in the form of waves. This provides support while taking turns and also speeds up their motion while they run away from anything they perceive as danger.
The reason behind why they run so fast:
Being small in size, gecko leopards have to face a lot of dangers to survive. Most of the gecko predators are big and stronger in nature which puts them at a disadvantage. To help them survive nature has provided them with the ability to run fast and escape for the claws of the predators.

Presence of threat
Different animals use different strategies to protect themselves from their predators. The common predators of gecko leopards are snakes, foxes, and larger reptiles. Gecko leopards run really fast to escape from their predators. They also shed their tails to flee from the situation by diverting the predator’s attention towards it. The tail starts moving rapidly due to the presence of calcium in the muscles, while the gecko leopard runs away.
Using nocturnal vision while they run at night
They have special senses in regards to hearing and vision which alarms them and aids them to discriminate against their predator near them. The nocturnal vision power enables them to distinguish colors at night with the moonlight.
How to catch a running gecko leopard?
A gecko leopard will not run far away in your house. Just make sure to close all the windows or doors so that the gecko leopard would not leave your house. Then follow these steps carefully to put the gecko leopard back in its tank.
Take small steps toward gecko leopard
Gecko leopards only run fast when they are alarmed or consider you a threat. Try not to frighten your gecko leopard in the first place. But if you recently bought one gecko leopard pet and it got out of its tank, you do not need to worry. Instead, try to be really calm while you look around for your gecko leopard.
Moisturize the container slightly with water
When you finally locate your gecko leopard, find a transparent bowl to entrap it. You cannot catch it with your bare hands because it might get hurt or run away again. Soak a cloth and rub it inside the bowl to make the surface moist. Then slowly proceed towards your gecko leopard.
Capture the gecko leopard
Do not impulsively move the bowl or capture the gecko leopard with a harsh blow. Gently grab it in the bowl and move it along the edge of the wall and cover it with a lid. Place the gecko leopard back into its tank and ensure that it does not get out again.
Final Thoughts:
Gecko leopard is small-sized animals that possess abilities like running fast, growing back their tails, sticking to surfaces which are generally difficult for other lizards to stick to. They also have a remarkable ability to distinguish different colors even at night with the help of light from the moon which is essential for them as they are nocturnal in nature.