Can You Cuddle Your Snake?




Can You Cuddle Your Snake?

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In the era of Instagram, people want pets that are exotic and wild to bless their feed. Some of you people might actually love a Python or a Boa, and if you have any of these exotic reptiles, you really are lucky.

Okay, so a lot of snake owners want to know whether they can show affection to their snake and cuddle with them, so the answer is yes, you can cuddle with them, and no, you should not. No matter how attached you are to your snake, it is still a very dangerous reptile and does not understand the emotions of love or care, so you should not cuddle it.

Want to know a bunch of more reasons why you should not cuddle your snake? Stay tuned because we will give you all the right reasons and suggest a few snakes that are incredibly gentle and calm.

Why You Should Not Cuddle Your Snake?

Okay, so first of all, we are talking about cuddling a snake here, and no matter how close you are with your pet snake, he will still be a cold-blooded reptile who tends to do anything he wants so, you should keep the thoughts of cuddling at bay for a while and have a look at our reasons.

1.     They Do Not Understand You

You should not cuddle with your pet because the emotions you feel for him are not exactly his emotions, so you both are not on the same page.

It is not your snake’s mistake because they cannot feel affection and emotions by default, and you can’t teach a turtle to fly, can you?

So, when your snake does not understand your emotions, how can he be comfortable with you cuddling him?

2.     They Are Forgetful

The cuddling thing is really a bad idea because it is a possibility that your snake does not even remember you.

Snakes are not big at remembering anything because of their small brain, so it is a possibility that they forget you as well.

Their sense of sight, as well as the sense of hearing, is also not good enough, so there is literally no way your pet is going to remember your face for longer.

So, what do you think a snake would be comfortable in cuddling with a stranger? Well, we don’t think so, and that is why you should drop the thought of cuddling them.

sneaky snake

Though your snake can recognize you and associate you with a positive thing because you provide him food.

Any person who comes before food is positive for snakes because they associate them with food and evidently like food very much.

But in this scenario as well, you should not be rushing towards your snake because, as stated earlier, they won’t be able to remember it for longer because of their memory.

3.     They Can Mistake You For Danger

Snakes have two criteria for distinguishing living beings from each other; they can eat it, or they cannot eat it. If they smell any rat or other prey, they will jump towards it due to their instinct.

But thinking that they cannot attack you is foolish because if they ever feel threatened or mistook you for danger, what would happen then?

colorful snake

Suppose you are cuddling with your soft baby boa and fall asleep; in sleep, you get a little enthusiastic like we all do and put your legs over your boa.

Now, if this act alarmed them even the slightest and if they thought this was some attack, they can harm you in your sleep, and that is why cuddling is never a good idea with your snake.

4.     You Cannot Train Them.

It is pretty simple to own and train a dog or a cat and cuddle with them. You certainly cannot domesticate snakes or train them to be tame or less wild when it comes to snakes.

The wildness and aggression are in their instinct, so they cannot tame something that makes their whole being.

So, cuddling with a reptile that is not even domesticated and is capable of attacking you any time of the day is not really a good idea.

Also, if you keep your snake pet captive and do not provide them the right environment they need, they can become more aggressive in this condition, and you would never want that.

Most Easy-To-Go Snakes

Now that we have established that you should not be cuddling with your snake pet let us introduce you to some of the more friendly snakes than you can ever imagine.

If you want to cuddle or hang out with your snakes, you might consider getting one of them, and also, they are perfect for beginners who have never had a snake pet.

Cape House Snake

This beautiful orange-toned snake is really tame and does not mind you handling it and playing with it.

Also, it is not very high maintenance, so you only need the basics of snake handling to nurture this snake.

It is a bit small, and its bite is not lethal to humans, so you don’t have to worry about the bites and attacks, and you can cuddle him as well, but be gentle.

Dekay’s Brown Snake

This snake is also a small one and eats insects. You need to be slightly trained in husbandry to train this snake.

It is a tame snake and does not get aggressive, and as it is tiny, its bite does not affect humans.

Also, it is very curious in nature and does not mind handling and a little playfulness, so we don’t think it would mind your cuddling.

African Egg-Eating Snake

First of all, they completely rely on eggs for their nutritional requirements. They are large as compared to the two listed above.

But, they worry, they can’t kill a human by their bite as it is not lethal for us, lucky us.

If you handle them properly, they become really easy-going and friendly, and you can cuddle with them as well.


Cuddling a lethal animal is never a good idea, but if you still had curiosity and wanted to have a snake you can cuddle, then the above-listed snakes are ideal for you.

Ensure that you take proper care of your snakes and do not make them feel threatened because they know how to defend themselves.

Wishing you a cuddly evening!

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