Pet bunnies are cute little fuzzy-wuzzies. With their floppity loppities and boople snoots, also known as wiggle sniffers, how could anyone resist their preciousness? But rabbits want to chew on almost everything, so we want to ensure that what they eat won’t hurt their delicate digestive systems.
Toilet paper rolls are one thing people often give to their rabbits for use as toys or to wrap tasty treats. But, are toilet paper rolls safe for rabbits? Believe it or not, the answer isn’t really a simple “yes” or “no.” People do give them to bunnies, but the jury is out on this for various reasons.
Are toilet paper rolls safe for rabbits?
Before giving your adorable fur baby a toilet paper roll as a toy or treat wrap, there are some things to consider. Remember, the purpose of toilet paper rolls is to hold toilet paper. These are not for eating, snacking, or any type of ingestion.
Chemical Components
What are most questionable are the chemicals and materials that comprise toilet paper rolls. It may seem harmless, but that might not be the case. We honestly don’t know what exactly comprises the toilet paper roll, but even upon guessing, it can bring up many concerns.
Vets and some experienced rabbit owners warn that you should never give your rabbit any cardboard without ensuring it doesn’t contain chemicals or comprise harmful substances that will damage and destroy a rabbit’s digestive system.
Tree Pulp Treatments
Toilet paper rolls comprise cardboard that comes from tree pulp treated with chemicals during the breakdown of tree bark. These stay locked within the empty toilet paper rolls. And, with cardboard, any other materials can be in there to make it supportive and stronger. Even upon deep research, it is difficult to find out what those are.
This is because toilet paper rolls are not regulated by any governmental body or oversight committee, so manufacturers put in whatever is going to be most cost-effective. Plus, they don’t have to divulge that information and so they don’t.
Adhesives ; Additives
Plus, toilet paper rolls have some kind of adhesive to keep them together. Most adhesives contain chemicals and substances that are harmful to anyone to ingest, especially rabbits. Also, different rolls offer features that may affect the roll’s makeup. For instance, scented or conditioned rolls may have those chemicals infused into the roll itself. That will, most likely, be incredibly toxic to your bunny.
If it isn’t safe, then why are there videos with bunnies around toilet paper rolls?
Because it’s so frequent for people to give rabbits toilet paper rolls, it’s something of a debate. Many people attest this is safe so long as it is a rare event. People suggest stuffing the roll with carrots, hay, celery, and other delicious treats. More often than not, the rabbit will only chew on the rim.
This way, if the rabbit simply nibbles on the outer edge, it shouldn’t hurt them too much. But even with this fun way to deliver treats, wait until it’s a full adult before doing this.
Always Observe the Rabbit
Also, watch your rabbit for previous instances of nibbling on things that would most often be harmful to them. If you see them often chewing on things like wood, paper, or other fabric, giving them a roll once in a great while shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
Even when you do this, be sure to watch the energy, activity, and behavior of your bunny. The moment you notice something wrong, call the vet right away.
Is there any way to determine toilet paper rolls could be safe for the bunny?
Since so many people do give toilet paper rolls to their pet rabbits without incident, there are a few things you can do to inspect the roll beforehand.
First, smell the roll to see if you notice any strong odors or a chemical-like aroma. If it’s noticeable, stay on the safe side and don’t give it to your rabbit. Likewise, if you see gooey glue seeping out from the edges or you notice the adhesive is super strong, avoid giving it to your fuzzy companion.
Are there any paper products safe for rabbits to chew on?
Paper, in general, isn’t good for rabbits to eat. Almost all paper not only comprises wood but also other recycled materials. You don’t know what these materials are or if they’re safe for your bunny. It is not good for them to ingest large amounts of paper as this will block and inhibit their digestive systems.
This can be very serious and even fatal if you’re not careful. So, it’s best to keep all paper away from the rabbit’s reach as much as possible. Of course, if you have an overzealous and curious bunny, especially if they think they smell something tasty, this will be something of a challenge. But you have to try.
So, if you’re looking for a toy to give your rabbit, there are millions of other things that will be infinitely safer. There are some pet suppliers who sell cardboard rolls safe for animals to chew on. But, you will have to hunt around.
Although it may seem like a safe bet to give your bunny some toilet paper rolls, you might want to think twice before you do. Use your best judgment and only give it to your rabbit when you want to offer hay or other treats in a neat little roll on occasion.
If they only nibble and munch on the edge, it won’t likely harm them. However, if you know your rabbit can handle some pretty outlandish materials, it will probably be okay so long as it doesn’t eat the whole thing.
Regardless, keep an eye on your bunny’s activity after it comes into contact with materials and substances it shouldn’t. The second you see a noticeable change in its eating behavior and regular activity, take it to the vet.