Rabbits are known to be very social creatures, that’s why people usually take care of pairs. It seems entirely possible for them to die of heartbreak but that’s technically not the case.
Rabbits die from suffering stress and depression from heartbreak. So, it’s not the heartbreak itself but the effect they get from it.
That’s why it’s important to take care of your rabbit and prevent it from stressing out or going into a depressive state.
Rabbits Are Sensitive Creatures
One thing that you need to know is that your rabbit can take away all of your attention. This is because you need to provide them with social interaction frequently.
Because of this, neglecting them for a day can easily cause them stress and depression. This is especially true if they don’t have any siblings/bonded mates.
That’s why you either need to have frequent playing times or they have enough interaction with other people or animals inside the house.
Symptoms of A Broken Heart
While they cannot directly tell us what they’re feeling, they’re very expressive with their movements or lack thereof.
Before you can help your rabbit, you must first know the cause to find a specific solution. Just like other complex problems, you’ll need to look for context.
Loss of Appetite with Their Food and Treats
Losing appetite is a symptom of other health diseases. But depending on the context, such as their sister rabbit dying, then it’s probably due to depression.
This is a very grave symptom and it needs to be treated seriously. Do not, in any circumstance, ignore this sign.
Having Trouble Sleeping
As active creatures, rabbits need their beauty sleep so it’s weird if you find them not sleeping well/enough.
If they can’t sleep, it might be because they can’t. Either they’re too stressed to go to dreamland or just not feeling well.
Shaking or Having Tremors While Sleeping
And if they do sleep, you might notice them having tiny tremors. It is a sign of stress and other uncomfortable emotions.
Although, it may also be due to the intense heat. As mentioned, it depends on the context of their circumstance or environment.
Playing Less than Usual
When your rabbit likes to play and suddenly skips out then they might be broken-hearted. If playing is one of their everyday rituals so it’s very odd for them to suddenly stop playing.
Not Interacting with The Environment
Rabbits are naturally curious. They like to investigate, especially if you placed a new cardboard box in their environment.
So, if they don’t interact with their environment like they usually do, there’s probably something that’s causing them mental disturbance.
There may be other specific reasons why they behave the way they do. You must determine what has changed in the past couple of days and immediately provide them solace/slowly integrate them into the change.

Causes of A Heartbreak
It’s important to diagnose and find the cause of your rabbit. While it’s important for them to experience emotions, it’s not good if their mental state dwindles along with it.
Sudden Changes
Rabbits, like people, can also get overwhelmed by the sudden changes in their environment. That’s why it’s important to gradually introduce them to their new circumstances before the full integration.
Death of A Partner
The sudden loss of their friends can cause a gaping hole in their hearts. As very social creatures, they will definitely feel the absence of their friends/family.
The important thing is you need to give them time to properly mourn. This means you’ll need to let them see the dead body of their friend/partner.
Otherwise, they’ll have a tough time wondering where they went and assume that they’ve been abandoned.
Treatment Changes/Neglect
Even something as simple as lessening your interaction with them can cause them to feel abandoned. You must always give time and play with your rabbit.
Sometimes their scheduled playtime with other rabbits might not go well and they get rejected by their peers.
They will get disheartened which can lead to depression.
Neglecting Their Grooming Habits
When your rabbits forget or didn’t groom for a few days, their fur might fall out. Once that happens, they’ll start becoming insecure and cause distress.
You shouldn’t ever abuse rabbits or anyone for that matter. While they may not die from abuse, they will most probably die of heartbreak.
There may be other specific reasons why they behave the way they do. You must determine what has changed in the past couple of days and immediately provide them solace/slowly integrate them into the change.
Helping Your Rabbit Cope
You can’t really do anything else but help your rabbit cope with its situation. Now that you know the possible causes, it is time to apply treatments and help them through a tough time.
Give Them Extra Attention
To help your rabbit, you can start by giving them extra attention and social interaction. It is their way of coping after all.
This is also the perfect solution when you know the cause of their heartbreak is neglect. Rabbits can easily feel abandoned so you definitely have to try this out.
Buy New Toys
To alleviate their boredom and stress, you can start by providing a new object with them to interact with. You can make it familiar like a cardboard ball or buy one from your local shop.
A Sibling
They might be feeling lonely due to not having anyone to play with. If you’re too busy then try getting them a playmate.
It’s also important to consider already letting them have a sibling before they settle with you. Especially if you know that you’re a busy person and can’t spend a good amount of time with them.
A Visit to The Vet
Of course, you can’t fix everything. If you’ve tried numerous things to get your rabbit back in its happy state but it still won’t work then it’s time to visit a professional.
Of course, it also depends on the things they usually do. By letting them get back on track and reintroducing them to the things they usually love, they’ll feel a lot better.
How Long Will They Be Able to Survive with A Broken Heart?
It depends on what symptoms they display during that state. If they lose all of their appetites, they’ll probably only survive around 24 to 48 hours.
This is because of two things, they might develop GI stasis or hepatic lipidosis. But generally, once the symptoms show up, it will take 1 – 2 days.
So, you need to treat them immediately and take them to a vet if necessary.

Specific Steps to Help Them Cope with Death
Step 1
As mentioned before, do not remove the body of their dead companion. They need to realize that their loved one is dead.
They might try to interact such as hopping or nudging the body. Soon enough, they’ll realize that the dead rabbit is gone and in turn, mourn the body.
You can take the body away after a few hours.
Step 2
Increase your interaction with your rabbit. They need to know that they’re not alone/have not been abandoned.
Your presence can provide solace in their dark times, especially after recently losing a loved one. They need to know that you still love them.
Step 3
Give them their favorite treats. It’s a great motivator for rabbits and can give them a boost while in a depressive state.
Although, you can only give it once they’re at least 7 months. And don’t give them treats frequently, you might trigger digestive problems.
Step 4
Observe your rabbit for a few hours. You need to make sure that they’re at least eating right. If not, then it’s probably time for a veterinarian to intervene.
Look out for any other sign of depression so that it can be dealt with immediately. The faster your rabbit can be happy, the better it is for their health.
Should I Wait Before Taking My Rabbit to The Vet?
You should bring them after an hour of trying to help them cope. If there are no signs of changes then you should bring them to the vet.
If there’s a change in bowel movements then it’s much better to bring them as soon as possible. It’s much better if you bring them to a specialized rabbit veterinarian.
If you continue to wait for more serious symptoms, you might regret it. Rabbits die easily from a broken heart, playing the waiting game just decreases their chances of survival.
Rabbits are sensitive creatures and can feel abandoned or depressed with minor changes. That’s why your attention is very important to their well-being.
Not only does it increase their happiness but it also ensures that you’re aware of their current state and you’ll be able to observe them if anything’s wrong.
And remember, it’s better to bring them to the veterinarian than wait and cause their possible demise. Make sure it’s within or better yet less than the 1 – 2 days timeframe.